Rise Dinner Party 
In celebration of International Day of the Girl on October 11
With the Girls Rule Foundation
Gather your friends for Dinner on Oct 11!
  • Who: You! 
  • What: Gather your friends for dinner at a restaurant or at your home. 
  • When: Oct 11, 2023 International Day of the Girl
  • Why: To help us rise!  Girls Rule is rising from Covid (3 of our programs got shut down during Covid) and we are rising again to bring our Summer Camp back and grow our dreamLAB leadership program!

Rise Host Details: Gather some of your friends, coworkers and clients the night of Wed, Oct 11th 2023.  You can meet at a restaurant or your home if you choose!  (Want to participate by donating or learn about dreamLAB?). Please take pictures and tag us on Insta @girlsrulefdn

Our vision for this event is to celebrate International Day of the Girl and all girls worldwide, and to raise awareness and funds for Girls Rule Foundation.

Who is Girls Rule Foundation: We are a 501c3 based in Phoenix, Arizona and we have been hosting empowerment and leadership programs, summer camps and mentoring programs since 2013 for girls 13-18.  Unfortunately, Covid closed our 3 live programs, along with our funding. However, we survived thanks to our digital 12 week leadership program dreamLAB. This program continued to make a difference for girls nationwide through Covid. We offer two dreamLAB leader kits: one for middle school and one for high school girls, more details here. With our dreamLAB curriculum,  your group of girls will learn our 12 leadership principles, plus they accomplish a community service project and they learn goal setting skills to further their long term dreams. This event is being supported by our event sponsor Marrin Costello Jewelry and our media sponsor Know Cares.

Be a part of helping girls Rise! Donate here to help dreamLAB and our summer camp reach more girls:
501(c)3 #45-2923956
This event is being supported by our
event sponsor Marrin Costello Jewelry and by our media sponsor Know Cares.

What do they have to say about camp…..

“Camp was exactly what our family and our girl needed! Fantastic group of ladies coaching these girls. Can’t say enough good things about camp and the girls rule foundation.”
– Joseph (Dad of attendee)

“It was the perfect camp for my daughter. The Parent orientation was great, the coaches gave us a lot of information about how the program works and how it will help my daughter.”
–Reina (mom of attendee)

“Camp was a great experience that made me less shy and more open then I was before. It was like a new start for me.”
-Shelby (attendee)

“Life-changing! This was a stepping stone for me and it helped me better understand who I am as a person and also made me realize that I had some pretty amazing qualities about myself.”
-Carly (attendee)

Produced by
The Girls Rule Foundation
est. in 2013

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