Girls Rule Videos and Media Interviews:


Girls Rule wins the 2017 $10,000 grant and top honor from Business Journal


Girls Rule Summer Camp Video


Representative Martha McSally sharing about Girls Rule at the U.S. Senate


Dena Patton and the BBB/summer camp girls on Fox10


2015 Shine Brightly Summit interview with Dan Ralphs & Dena Patton


Shine Brightly Summit 


Girls Rule Foundation on Sonoran Living 


What do they have to say about camp…..

“Camp was exactly what our family and our girl needed! Fantastic group of ladies coaching these girls. Can’t say enough good things about camp and the girls rule foundation.”
– Joseph (Dad of attendee)

“It was the perfect camp for my daughter. The Parent orientation was great, the coaches gave us a lot of information about how the program works and how it will help my daughter.”
–Reina (mom of attendee)

“Camp was a great experience that made me less shy and more open then I was before. It was like a new start for me.”
-Shelby (attendee)

“Life-changing! This was a stepping stone for me and it helped me better understand who I am as a person and also made me realize that I had some pretty amazing qualities about myself.”
-Carly (attendee)

Produced by
The Girls Rule Foundation
est. in 2013

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