support Girls Rule and donate

We have 5 ways to financially support our mission:

1. Scholarship a girl to camp:
help a girl attend our Summer Camp (30 needed):
$500 click here

2. Be a sponsor of Summer Camp:
Be the Activities Track Sponsor $2500 click here
Be the Leadership Track Sponsor $4500 click here

Be the Title Sponsor $15,000 click here

3. 100 School Initiative after-school program:
donate our afterschool program to a school
$269 click here

4. Become a monthly donor
$100/month click here

5. Donate any amount-every dollar counts:
Click here


Donations of $100 or more you will be added to our friends page here.
501c3 (#45-2923956)
It takes a mission and money to reach thousands of girls!
QUESTIONS? ASK US: or 602-327-2619

We are an Arizona-based 501c3 nonprofit that is a leader in
empowerment and leadership programs for girls
ages 12-18 in these 3 important areas:
self-esteem skills   –   leadership skills   –    financial/career skills


Watch below to see Girls Rule win first place Charity of the year from the Phoenix Business Journal! (run time about 1 minute)

Learn about our purpose here.Learn about our programs here.


Girls Rule Foundation is an Arizona-based 501c3 (#45-2923956) nonprofit that is a leader in
empowerment and leadership programs for girls ages 12-18 in these 3 important areas:
self-esteem skills, leadership skills & financial/career skills.


What do they have to say about camp…..

“Camp was exactly what our family and our girl needed! Fantastic group of ladies coaching these girls. Can’t say enough good things about camp and the girls rule foundation.”
– Joseph (Dad of attendee)

“It was the perfect camp for my daughter. The Parent orientation was great, the coaches gave us a lot of information about how the program works and how it will help my daughter.”
–Reina (mom of attendee)

“Camp was a great experience that made me less shy and more open then I was before. It was like a new start for me.”
-Shelby (attendee)

“Life-changing! This was a stepping stone for me and it helped me better understand who I am as a person and also made me realize that I had some pretty amazing qualities about myself.”
-Carly (attendee)

Produced by
The Girls Rule Foundation
est. in 2013

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