Our purpose is simple:

We help girls become the next generation of leaders.
We help girls build healthy, empowered, successful lives.
We help girls build a path to their dreams and education.
We help girls know that they are brilliant, beautiful & bold as they are.
We help girls ignite their greatness and know their worth.

Our 10 Core Values  – We Are Committed To:

  1. Having team members, vendors, and employees who know WHY our organization exists and are crusaders for the cause.
  2. Clean communication – in all we do we lead by example in our words and actions. No drama, no negativity, no gossip. Ever.
  3. Creating a fun and empowering environment in everything we do for our clients and our teams.
  4. Leading with integrity – we plan our work and work our plan.
  5. Intentionally making wise and healthy choices that further the mission and efforts of the organization, not ourselves.
  6. Creating a ‘we’ community of girls and women who encourage each other’s success within the organization and outside.
  7. Working and leading from a place of love, focus, fearlessness, and empowerment.
  8. Having a financially well-running organization and make wise decisions to accomplish that.
  9. Being brilliant, beautiful and bold role models and advocates in the world for all girls and women.
  10. Teamwork to make the dream work and ask for help and collaboration when needed.

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The Learning Objectives are to:

    • Increase leadership skills in girls so they can lead and navigate their life successfully & become successful leaders in anything career.
    • Increase social and emotional awareness in girls so they can overcome hard things and build healthy coping skills.
    • Increase financial literacy and financial confidence in girls to help progress their life and career goals, and improve global economies.
    • Increase high school and college graduation rates of girls to help them become our next generation of leaders.
    • Girls with dreams become women with vision.

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Our 12 Leadership Principles that we teach:

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SEL and Why is it Important?

Social and Emotional Learning are core life skills for success! The 6 Core Competencies Are:

  • Self-awareness: Know your strengths and limitations, with a well-grounded sense of confidence, optimism, and a “growth mindset.”
  • Self-management: Effectively manage stress, control impulses, and motivate yourself to set and achieve goals.
  • Social awareness: Understand the perspectives of others and empathize with them, including those from diverse backgrounds and cultures.
  • Relationship skills: Communicate clearly, listen well, cooperate with others, resist inappropriate social pressure, negotiate conflict constructively, and seek and offer help when needed.
  • Responsible decision-making: Make constructive choices about personal behavior and social interactions based on ethical standards, safety, and social norms.
  • Leadership skills: our 12 leadership principles that help girls lead themselves, their actions, their choices and lead others confidently.

SEL leads to better academic outcomes and improved behavior:

  • 27% more students improved their academic performance
  • 24% more students improved their emotional well-being and social behavior
  • Studies show decreased dropout rates, school and classroom behavior issues, drug use, teen pregnancy, mental health problems, and criminal behavior
  • Impact Is Long-Term and Global/Can Help Reduce Poverty/Can help improve Economic Development/Improves Lifetime Goals/ long-term success of all students in today’s economy




SEL dreamLAB




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Our Statistics:

We all know that self-esteem cannot be medicated, and we also know that when girls are equipped with social, emotional, and leadership skill sets that they can build strong self-esteem and powerful skill sets to better navigate their teen years to become successful adults. Our youth will inherit complex social and economic problems in the future. We must equip them to be able to have the communication, leadership, self-esteem and problem-solving skills to confront these issues with leadership. At Girls Rule we address the root causes under these 7 derailers that affect every girl and can “derail” many girls. We want girls to become resilient, not a statistic. Let’s talk about the statistics of girls today. We are battling the highest suicide rate in girls in 40 years along with many other staggering statistics like teen pregnancy (7100 teen pregnancies in AZ in 2016 and 1 million nationwide in 2016). Read more statistics here. Additionally, suicide experts say electronic and social media addiction is one of the main causes behind the rise in suicides and lower self-esteem.



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Our Why:

Our Why

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Our Co-founder – Dena Patton

  Dena Patton has a calling and a passion to empower and advance women and girls. She has been in the coaching and training industry working with women leaders since 2001.  Along her journey she realized that if we truly want to advance women… we must start when they are teenagers. So she cofounded The Girls Rule Foundation (GRF) with 3 friends in 2008 with the goal to make a difference for girls in three areas: self-esteem skills, leadership skills and financial literacy skills. She took over leadership of GRF in 2013 and she focused on building the curriculum for our 4 programs: The BBB Mentor program, dreamLAB leadership afterschool program, Wings To Fly leadership summer camp and Shine Brightly mother-daughter Summit. Her passion is for girls to know their valuable place in the world and have the skills sets to thrive and succeed. “Youth development is so important especially today! Programs like ours help girls with the social, emotional and leadership skills they need to thrive as young women and become our next generation of leaders in any industry or role they pursue.” Dena is a best-selling author, global speaker, and has owned Dena Patton Coaching and Training which works with women leaders and CEO’s since 2001. She is the author of The Greatness Game, and $1 of every book gets donated to Girls Rule Foundation.   Girls Rule Foundation is an Arizona based 501c3. We offer online and offline programs that focus on empowering girls in 3 key areas: self-esteem skills, leadership skills and financial/career skills.

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Our Team
We are made up of men and women volunteers, financial supporters, sponsors, and committee members who help our organization grow to impact more girls to reach their greatest potential. It takes a village. You can get involved a few different ways: read our wish list or help us fundraise in simple ways. 
#GIRLSCHANGETHEWORLD Read about our programs here.


What do they have to say about camp…..

“Camp was exactly what our family and our girl needed! Fantastic group of ladies coaching these girls. Can’t say enough good things about camp and the girls rule foundation.”
– Joseph (Dad of attendee)

“It was the perfect camp for my daughter. The Parent orientation was great, the coaches gave us a lot of information about how the program works and how it will help my daughter.”
–Reina (mom of attendee)

“Camp was a great experience that made me less shy and more open then I was before. It was like a new start for me.”
-Shelby (attendee)

“Life-changing! This was a stepping stone for me and it helped me better understand who I am as a person and also made me realize that I had some pretty amazing qualities about myself.”
-Carly (attendee)

Produced by
The Girls Rule Foundation
est. in 2013

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