Laura Anderson Scholarship Fund

Laura Anderson (2nd from right)


The Laura Anderson Scholarship Fund is a program to honor the legacy of one of our founders, Laura Anderson. Her vision and passion for Girls Rule was unstoppable, but it was tragically cut short in 2009 due to a battle with Lupus.

  • Through this scholarship program we offer scholarships to girls and schools who otherwise can’t afford our programs or camp.
  • Through your donation to the Laura Anderson Scholarship Fund,  whether you donate $20 or $2000 your donation matters!

Your donation changes lives and keeps Laura’s beautiful spirit alive in our organization.
To donate to this scholarship fund, please donate here:


“Getting the scholarship in 6th grade to attend Wings to Fly camp changed my life. I learned things and did
things I never thought I could, I met my best friend and I even started my own photography business after camp.
Thank you for everything!” – Maddy M.


What do they have to say about camp…..

“Camp was exactly what our family and our girl needed! Fantastic group of ladies coaching these girls. Can’t say enough good things about camp and the girls rule foundation.”
– Joseph (Dad of attendee)

“It was the perfect camp for my daughter. The Parent orientation was great, the coaches gave us a lot of information about how the program works and how it will help my daughter.”
–Reina (mom of attendee)

“Camp was a great experience that made me less shy and more open then I was before. It was like a new start for me.”
-Shelby (attendee)

“Life-changing! This was a stepping stone for me and it helped me better understand who I am as a person and also made me realize that I had some pretty amazing qualities about myself.”
-Carly (attendee)

Produced by
The Girls Rule Foundation
est. in 2013

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