Could your girls use more leadership skills, goal setting skills or confidence skills?
This Leadership After-School Program Is Skill Building & Resume Building!
- This program is for your girls in 7th-12th grades at your school, group or organization.
- Start your group in 2025! 13 lessons/13 meetings at your location.
- This is a peer-led program. The girls run the meetings 1 hour per week with one adult sponsor.
- The curriculum kit is provided to you – there’s nothing to create. *See curriculum below
- We can offer grants for schools/groups who can’t afford the fee.
- Girls learn skills sets to build their confidence, become leaders and make a difference in their school.
- Girls who complete the program receive a certificate of leadership and will also have the chance to win one of two $500 cash scholarships.
What would be possible if your girls has stronger leadership skills, goal setting skills or confidence skills?
This after-school program is where schools and groups use our Girls Change The World After-School Curriculum to help their girls learn the tools and skills to help them thrive. The girls at your school, organizations or group will learn skill sets that will change their life. We know that when girls are equipped with leadership, goal setting and confidence skill sets they better navigate their teen years, and can become successful adults and leaders. Girls with goals become women with vision!
- What is this: This is a leadership after-school curriculum called Girls Change The World held at your location with your girls. Start your group today! It is designed to provide the girls with valuable leadership skills, confidence-building activities, and goal setting skills. It is skill building and resume building for girls in 7th-12th grades! Teens who complete the program will receive a certificate of completion of 20 hours of leadership training to enhance their resumes. If you start your group in Q1 of 2025 you will receive 20 tickets to our Annual Summit held in Tempe on April 26th and the girls in your group will have the chance to win one of the two $500 cash scholarships.
- Who is it for: 7th-12th grade girls – Gather 10-25 of your girls and participate! Our goal is to impact as many girls as possible!
- Is there curriculum to create: No. Nothing to create. The Girls Change The World Curriculum Leader Kit is emailed to you. There are 12 meetings and they are 1 hour each, where the girls learn 1 leadership principle per meeting through fun discussions & activities. They also practice their leadership by creating a community service project of their choice (i.e. clean up day, food drive etc!
- How long is it: Most groups hold one meeting per week at 1 hour each (you can do it at a different frequency if you choose) – your group meets at the location, day and time of your choice. This is peer-led! The girls run the meetings with the adult sponsor there for support. Our curriculum plus your girls, equal great new skill sets and incredible memories. This is a great leadership program to have on their resume. Do you have an existing girls group/club with girls but need structure or curriculum that helps build leadership skills? This is the answer!
- Do you have a flyer: Yes, If you need a one page flyer about this program to send to your Director or Principal click here
- What is the mission: #1. To help more girls thrive and become successful adults. We know that when girls are equipped with leadership, goal setting and confidence skill sets, they better navigate their teen years to become successful adults and leaders. #2 to impact our schools and communities with community service projects that make a difference
- Bonus!! The Annual Summit: If you start your group in Q1 of 2025 you will receive 20 tickets to our Annual Summit held in Tempe Arizona on April 26th and the girls in your group will have the chance to win one of the two $500 cash scholarships. This high-energy Annual Summit will be held at Tempe High School thanks to our host, Tempe Union High School District! It will have awesome key note speakers, activities, special guests, lunch, Tshirts and will celebrate your group with certificates, prizes and more.
The 2 Requirements:
- Register & pay below: The curriculum kit is $567 BUT IF YOUR GROUP/SCHOOL/ORGANIZATION NEEDS A SCHOLARSHIP PLEASE EMAIL: Schools typically use curriculum funds, prevention funds, activity funds, PTA funds, or they charge each girl $20) – the fee includes the 13-week after school curriculum kit, plus you receive 20 tickets to the the April 26th Impact Day Summit (Tshirts and lunch included). Don’t miss out on this opportunity to impact your girls.
- Secure 1 adult sponsor: Typically a teacher, parent or coach who love working with girls is the adult sponsor! This is peer led – so the girls lead the club, the adult is there for support. The adult sponsor will attend the 12 weekly meetings for your group of 10-25 girls (1 hour per meeting). We send the adult sponsor the curriculum kit and we support them in any way they need it during the program. This is a great way to support and empower girls!
Register Your group or school!
The Girls Change The World Curriculum:
The 12 Meetings:
The Girls Change The World Curriculum: Meetings are 1 hour each where they learn 1 leadership principle per meeting through discussion & activities. They also practice their leadership by creating a community service project of their choice! It’s not enough to ‘hope’ girls learn leadership skills, we have programs for that! Details below:
Dream it!
Meeting #1: Dream Big – Girls learn to identify their goals and dreams to become women with vision.
Meeting #2: Self-Acceptance – Girls learn confidence skills so they can dream big and be confident in themselves.
Meeting #3: Greatness Mindset – Girls learn to live and lead from their positive mindset to overcome any challenge.
Plan it!
Meeting #4: Plan Your Work – Girls learn how to plan their work and work their plan. Dreams need plans.
Meeting #5: Responsibility – Girls learn to be responsible for their own choices, communication, body, finances, & dreams.
Meeting #6: Goal-Setting – Girls learn how to get clarity in their milestones and the baby steps to achieve them.
Lead it!
Meeting #7: Leadership! – Girls learn to lead confidently every day and don’t wait for a title.
Meeting #8: Make Positive Friendships – Girls learn to build healthy relationships, community and collaboration.
Meeting #9: Practice Self-Care – Girls learn to care for themselves so they can live with balance, and not burnout.
Complete it!
Meeting #10: Participate in Teamwork! – Girls learn to work in teams, ask for help and accomplish their role in the team.
Meeting #11: Be Compassionate & Giving – Girls learn the power of one and that they can be the change they want to see in the world.
>>Your Community Service Project Completed Here<<<
Meeting #12: Complete Things, Don’t Quit! – Girls learn to trust themselves to finish, not to quit.
Bonus! Our Annual Summit is April 26th 2025! Be our VIP’s!
If you start this after-school program in Q1, your group will be our VIP’s at the 2025 Summit at Tempe High School. You receive 20 complimentary tickets to attend this awesome event! With special guest speakers, lunch, Tshirts, prizes and two chances to win $500 cash scholarships !
Girls Change The World Weekly Meeting Example (1 hour):
- Opening: the welcome, introduce any new girls
- Leadership lab – time 15 min: discussion & activity around the leadership principle of the week
- Dream Circle – time 15 min: discussion and activity around their goals and dreams
- Community Service project time 15 min: brainstorming, voting, planning their project
- Closing: wrapping up the meeting
Girls Change The World!
Register below today!
Register Here:
Need an Invoice for your School/Sponsor/purchasing dept just click HERE
Need a scholarship for this program? Email:
AZ Impact Initiative: Registration
Get involved:
Interested in being a partner or sponsor? Click HERE Interested in being on this committee? Click HERE
At Girls Rule Foundation: Our mission is to teach teen girls crucial skill sets they need to thrive emotionally, academically, and financially, while fostering their leadership abilities. Through online and live programs, we guide girls in building successful, empowered lives, while paving the way to their higher education.